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ESP ”LTD” Will Adler Signatur (Lamb Of God)

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5 000 kr
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En LTD WA-600 som sagt Premium Signaturmodell Locking Tuners (original) Seymour Duncan JB och 59… Skickas inte men kan mötas upp halvvägs inom rimliga avstånd. 5000kr Imorgon måndag tar jag bort annonsen och behåller guran …. 😎👌 Tror det är lite drygt 10000kr under nypris 😀 Här följer en text från en hemsida jag hittade om nån vill läsa mer: Description The LTD WA-600 is a signature guitar Will Adler. The LTD WA-600 is based on Lamb Of God guitarist Will Adler’s premium signature model. The thin U-shaped neck with 22 extra jumbo frets provides comfort and speed. A Seymour Duncan JB humbucker pickup at the bridge and a ’59 humbucker at the neck provide plenty of power. Schaller locking tuners, a Tonepros locking bridge and tailpiece keep you in tune and intoned so youll sound your best. Two volume and one tone knobs plus a 3-way toggle give you options for great sound. SEYMOUR DUNCAN ’59 (SH-1N) The ’59 Model neck pickup is one of our most popular pickups because it’s so versatile. It’s designed in the spirit of the original P.A.F. humbuckers of the 1950s, with sweet sustain, full-sounding chords, clear and bright attack, but we’ve made a few refinements to slightly modernize the design and make it more adaptable to different styles. The ’59 has a full low end which is great for adding character to your clean sounds and sustain to your leads. The high end is slightly boosted for improved pick-attack clarity and the mids are a little scooped for an open, smooth sound that’s great for preserving the clarity of the individual notes in a chord. Play softly and the mids and highs seem to fade back, but pick hard and the note will be confident and clear. There isn’t a genre that the ’59 can’t work within. SEYMOUR DUNCAN JB (SH-4) The JB Model humbucker is our most popular pickup of all time. Blues, country, fusion, punk, hard rock, grunge, thrash; the JB has always sounded just right, even as new genres emerged around it. The low end is full and powerful, the highs are crisp and detailed and there’s an upper-midrange bump that adds crunch and chunk to heavy chords but translates to a singing, vocal-like quality when you play single notes or solos. Meanwhile the hot output pushes your amp just that little bit harder for more sustain and harmonics.
Plats Gävle
Inlagd i fredags 18:22 i Gitarr/bas/förstärkare

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