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English children books / Engelska barnböcker. Julklapp.

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125 kr
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Selling a bunch of English children books, inkl Kipper, Peppa pig, What the ladybird heard and the Gruffalo (jigsaw book). They are mostly in really good /good condition but some have more signs of usage than others. If you want to buy all of the books in the ad let’s agree a total price. Pic 1: all the books in picture 1 are sold as a package for 350 kr Pic 2-4: two large illustrated, factual “lift the flap” books. Kids love the excitement of flipping the flaps open to see what’s inside. Package price for both books: 175 kr Pic 5-6: Large Moomin cartoon book. Has never been flipped through so completely untouched inside, unfortunately the cover has a stain (see pic 5 next to the yellow cat). Price 130 kr. (New this book costs 250 - 300 kr plus shipping) Have a few other ads out for things which will make perfect last minute christmas gifts, including books for adults.
Denna vara sparar 2 kg CO₂e vilket motsvarar produktionen av 11 nya plastpåsar.

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