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Britax Swingfix M i-SIZE Stormy Gray

    Mycket bra skick
2 200 kr
3 000 kr
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In fantastic conditions! The carseat has been washed and it is ready for a new explorer! Features: – Integrated SICT for superior side impact protection. – Padded side wings that absorb the force of side collisions. - The seat can be rotated to the side for easier insertion and removal of your child. - Ergonomic headrest that is easy to adjust. – Padded 5-point harness. – ISOFIX base included. – Adjustable support leg for additional stability. – Safety indicators that ensure the car seat is correctly installed. - The cover can be removed and machine washed if necessary.
Inlagd 10 november 11:19 i Bilbarnstolar
Denna vara sparar 43 kg CO₂e vilket motsvarar produktionen av 2 nya jackor.

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