B&O Beoplay A6
Mycket bra skick
2 900 kr
3 500 kr
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Bang & Olufsen Beoplay A6 i mycket fint skick.
Kan levereras i Stockholm den 26:e.
Funkar kanon med t ex Spotify.
Utklipp från länk nedan.
Far from a one-source wonder, the A6 will stream pretty much anything from almost anywhere and in any way you like – whether it’s music from your iPhone over AirPlay, tablet via Bluetooth, your NAS drive over DLNA, or from the catalogues of built-in streaming services such as Deezer and Spotify.
If you’re more of a radio listener, there are thousands of internet stations at your fingertips via TuneIn too.
Plats Jönköping
Inlagd 23 november 09:45 i Stereo & surround
Trygg affär
Denna vara sparar 102 kg CO₂e vilket motsvarar produktionen av 5 nya jackor.