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    2 547 663 kr
    Land of famous Pošip and old fairy tales Smokvica today is a picturesque village surrounded by olive tree fields and vineyards with stunning hiking and cycling trails all around. If you are looking for agricultural land, this is perfect location not only for vine and olive trees, but also for a variety of vegetables and fruits that benefit from a warm Mediterranean climate with a large number of sunny hours. Smokvica is home to the famous white wine of Pošip. If you find yourself in Smokvica, be sure to try Pošip, with some homemade sweets (ask for hrstule and pršurate). A walk through Smokvica is like a time machine - when you move away from the very center of the place, the narrow streets and old stone houses will tell you the story of life in this area for centuries back, along with the few stories about fantastic creatures that used to (or still) live here, according to the many local traditional tales. One of the most popular is the story of the fairies that live in the area called Livin Dol, originally Vilin Dol, which literally means the valley of fairies. It is located a few kilometers from Smokvica, in the valley between picturesque hills covered with vineyards, orchards and olive groves. There is also a beautiful water litter around which fairies are dancing, mostly during full moon. This area truly seems so fairly beautiful that it is not difficult to imagine all that, still happening. Stories of fairies here are much alike those in the Kocje area in Žrnovo. No surprise - the cult of fairies is typical in Dalmatia, just like the wider Balkan region.
    Inlagd 8 september 00:00 i Utland
    Säljes av:
    Dragan Milinkovic
    Svenska Mäklarhuset Kroatien
    Säljes av:
    Dragan Milinkovic
    Svenska Mäklarhuset Kroatien
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