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Urgent: Sweet outside cat needs new home

    500 kr
    Hej, we are moving into an apartment without balcony or access to outside and our outside village cat won't be able to live in those conditions that's why unfortunately we have to find a new home for him. He is around 4-8 years old according to the vet, neutered and very kind and undemanding. He is looking for a home without small kids or other pets as he is not used to it. He was homeless in Önnestad and we took care of him for 2 years but now we are hoping for a new loving home for him. He never scratches anything in the house, is very independent, never goes on counters and never bites. Comes with small toilet and a toy. For free if someone takes him as soon as possible.
    Plats Kristianstad
    Inlagd 8 januari 10:15 i Katt

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