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Axkid One

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3 500 kr
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Axkid One car seat, First owners, bought in 2021. The seat has been produced in December 2020, see photo. The seat is in good condition and has always been well taken care of. The fabric has been washed with perfume free detergent. It is a larger seat but has functioned very well. Only negative are the straps, on smaller kids you need to use a separate clip to hold them together to avoid them from freeing their arms. It may happen with other seats too but feel its fair to point this out. You can take the clip we use and can upgrade to another if needed. Please pick it up on location in Liljeholmskajen, Payment via Swish
Plats Hägersten, Liljeholmen, Stockholms stad
Inlagd i måndags 12:59 i Bilbarnstolar
Denna vara sparar 43 kg CO₂e vilket motsvarar produktionen av 2 nya jackor.

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