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Carine Roitfeld Irreverent bok/coffee table book

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899 kr
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Carine Roitfeld Irreverent bok/coffee table bok, limited edition. "Roitfeld's latest endeavor, Irreverent (Rizzoli), is an aptly titled 368-page album of photographs culled over her 30-year career. Among images from some of her most famous, and most provocative, shoots—including Eva Herzigova posing with a lot of bloody boeuf for The Face in 1997 and the plastic-surgery story with Crystal Renn—are intimate, endearing snapshots of Roitfeld's partner, Christian Restoin, and their children, Julia and Vladimir. (In Roitfeld's world, the personal is the professional and vice versa.)" Säljs på samlarsidor för runt 1500-2000 kr. Säljer mitt ex för 899 kr. Hämtas på Södermalm i Sthlm eller skickas.
Plats Katarina, Sofia, Stockholms stad
Inlagd 9 januari 13:28 i Böcker & studentlitteratur
Denna vara sparar 2 kg CO₂e vilket motsvarar produktionen av 11 nya plastpåsar.

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