Gåbil, sparkbil, Magni, grå
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460 kr
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Gåbil, sparkbil.
Märke Magni.
Från deras hemsida:
Magni | Ride-on vehicle Classic Racer in metal
Let your child experience speed in a safe and fun way with the stylish, retro-inspired Magni Ride-On Car. Built to last for generations, it's a huge hit with toddlers who are just learning to walk or are in the process of doing so. Strong, silent, and maneuverable, the Magni Ride-On Car will accompany children on their adventures from the age of 1. The car features rubber wheels, making it suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. Note: Not for use in traffic. This toy has no brakes.
Inlagd i lördags 20:24 i Leksaker
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Denna vara sparar 18 kg CO₂e vilket motsvarar produktionen av 91 nya plastpåsar.