IKEA Mattress VALEVÅG + LUDDROS protector, 160x200 cm
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2 500 kr
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I sell them together, in brand new condition, I have them only 6 months:
1. IKEA Mattress VALEVÅG, size: 160x200 cm
Link: https://www.ikea.com/se/sv/p/valevag-pocketresarmadrass-fast-ljusbla-40450680/
2. IKEA Mattress protector LUDDROS, size: 160x200 cm
Link: https://www.ikea.com/se/sv/p/luddros-madrasskydd-50461635/
I am selling them because I will move in a new furnished apartment.
The buyer has to come and get it from my apartment at Häggvik, Sollentuna kommun. Also I cannot keep priority for buyer, first in first gets will be.
Plats Sollentuna
Inlagd idag 18:49 i Säng & sovrum
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Denna vara sparar 222 kg CO₂e vilket motsvarar produktionen av 7 nya mobiltelefoner.