Islas - Food of the Spanish Islands by Emma Warren
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Emma Warren. Hardback. 280p.
To be picked up on Södermalm (Mariatorget) in Stockholm.
This beautifully photographed cookbook takes you to the villages, homes, beaches and hillsides of this yet-to-be discovered region of the Mediterranean.
Islas is the first comprehensive cookbook to capture and celebrate the cuisine of Spain’s Mediterranean islands Mallorca, Menorca, Ibiza and Formentera. With influences from the Spanish mainland regions Catalania and Valencia, and from further afield including Sicily, Sardinia and the south of France, Islas invites you on a culinary journey to discover some of the Mediterranean’s most authentic cuisines that are at once familiar and unique.
With stunning food photography showcasing the coastlines and interiors of these historic islands, stories on traditional recipes and 100 simple and authentic recipes, this book is not only for lovers of Spanish food but any fan of Mediterranean cuisine.
Alongside these authentic recipes are beautiful spreads on local ingredients, cooking secrets and dishes that have rarely been shared outside this part of the Mediterranean. Each chapter celebrates a different landscape – think mountains, the coast and humble villages. This spectrum of flavour and soul is indicative of the food (and incredible lifestyle) from the Spanish islands.
Inlagd 22 december 15:24 i Böcker & studentlitteratur
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Umberto Flauto
· 2 omdömen
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