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750 kr
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Selling my Club Freestyle 20" as it sits in my attic when it could be used by someone who really wants it. It's been used about 10 times, so has some scratches on the plastic on the seat (see photos) but otherwise in tip-top shape! The RPP is 1690 (1099 on sale) here: https://unicycle.se/enhjulingar/nyborjare/club-freestyle-20-enhjuling-vita-dack
Pick up in Uppsala. If you're traveling from Stockholm or surrounding areas, I am happy to meet you at the train station.
Plats Uppsala
Inlagd 19 november 17:54 i Övriga cyklar
Trygg affär
Denna vara sparar 94 kg CO₂e vilket motsvarar produktionen av 3 nya mobiltelefoner.