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Cargo Bike "Babboe Big"

    Bra skick
18 000 kr
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God Jul, parents and friends of other precious loads! I am selling our trusted but rarely used Babboe Big cargo e Bike complete with rain/ snow cover, 250W motor, and full capacity battery. Price online right now for a new Babboe Big E is 36000sek. Klipp! It’s only gone 400km, almost always stored under roof, battery stored in-house(i.e., frost-free) ,& the best may be: 3 wheels means it goes fine even on snowy and icey roads! Four seat belts are attached, both benches can be folded up individually to make space for cargo. Our three boys loved it cos it feels cozy like a little covered horse cart, dry and snug, and they could choose if they want to see out the front, or see daddy or mommy cycling. More information from the dutch manufacturer "from parents for parents": https://www.babboe.co.uk/babboe-big-e Take our price or make an offer! Make your family a great xmas gift! Enjoy the holidays, mvh Tobias
Plats Karlstad
Inlagd idag 11:26 i Övriga cyklar
Denna vara sparar 94 kg CO₂e vilket motsvarar produktionen av 3 nya mobiltelefoner.

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